SLE42s Electric


This luxury cylindrical electric stove features side windows with a 900-1800w heat output. It can be placed anywhere in the home without the need for a chimney and requires very minimal installation.


The SLE42s Electric fire features the etronic 3D effect technology for an ultra realistic, relaxing flame pattern.  It’s dimensional, glowing log fuel bed – cleverly tapered to give the illusion of a deeper fire.

This luxury cylindrical electric stove features side windows with a 900-1800w heat output.   The fire requires very little installation.

Supplied with an infrared remote control for optimal control ability.  You can turn the fire on and off from the comfort of your armchair;  set the desired temperature and adjust the brightness of the flames.  The fuel bed can also be adjusted to suit your mood.

For efficient and automatic control, it also feature a 7 day programmer.


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