Contura 556 Style


The generous side lights mean that you can see the fire from different angles in the room. With cleaner lines and a large glass door it gives a light and modern impression.


The 556 Style, which comes in White, as well as Black and Grey,  has a beautiful glass door.   Having generous side glass enables you and your guests to see the fire from different angles in the room.  This gives a light and modern impression.

With the Contura 556G Style, it can be varied with almost infinitely.  With cleaner lines and a large glass door it gives a light and modern impression.  Choose a soapstone, glass or cast iron top. Choose a turntable or a hotplate and a fan for an extra boost to the heat flow. The campaign price applies to the black model.



Additional information

Heat Output

5 kW

Max. Log Length

330 mm (13")

Flue Outlet

Optional top or rear flue outlet


175 kg